SuperLogger class reference

Logger : NSObject


A super class declaration.

This class is not used anywhere in the application. It's just here so we can test derived classes documentation handling... And yes, we also use the object for testing links to external objects such as Systemator and their members like +[Systemator runTask:]. We even support linking to external categories like this: NSObject(Logging) and their members like: -[NSObject(Logging) logger] (for these we need to fix doxygen output since it's confused with categories). See that we can also correctly spell non-documented category or class members such as: [NSObject(Nonexistent) methodWithParameter1:andParameter2:] or [NSObject description]. However notice that for unknown objects the prefix is not used since we don't have the required information.



Class methods


This method does nothing.

+ (BOOL)thisMethodUsesWarningAndExample:(int) param withValue:(int) value

The parameter.


The value.


Thrown if something goes wrong.

Return value

Returns some value.


Except it uses warning keyword so that we can test it easily in the generated output. It also shows how to use code segments. Well because of all these features, bells and whistles, the generated output looks kind of... well... see for yourself:

BOOL result = [SuperLogger thisMethodUsesWarningAndExample:0 withValue:45];
if (result)
    NSLog(@"What a beautiful life!");

The code section is followed by another standard paragraph. Aha, forgot to mention - the paragraph text is just being entered so that the paragraph will contain more than a single line of text. At least with current browser width. And yea, because I'm not online at the moment, I cannot use lorem ipsum for that. And I also don't know it from the memory. There's much more important stuff to remember than that... Except for the cases like this where the text is actually needed. Well, looks like my imagination is still working...

Here's an example of how to get strong or emphasized words.

Important: Use this method only for doing nothing. Because that's what it does... And it's actually pretty good at that too! Probably it's easy to miss, but take a closer look at the important word which is actually emphasized in the generated XHTML documentation!

See also
Declared in


And this is where our bug is described.

+ (void)someOtherMethod

This method does nothing except for the mentioned bug.

ID104: There's a strange bug in this method. And that is - it misses all the code! To reproduce it, just follow these instructions: write another method in the class interface and ommit the definition in the class implementation section.

Declared in

© 2008-2009 Tomaz Kragelj. All rights reserved. (Last updated: 2009-08-24)
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